The weekend mass schedule is:
Saturday – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday – 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Our 4:00 pm Saturday sabbath mass will be live-streamed and available on our Facebook and YouTube pages beginning at 4:00pm.It will be posted here on our home page usually by 6:00 p.m. Saturday evening and available on all three throughout the weekend.
The Mass for Sunday, March 9th will NOT be live-streamed.
The readings for this week’s mass can be found by clicking on this link
Pastor's Message
Dear Friends,
In working with the four pastors of Stratford, we recently were involved in a discussion regarding renewing receiving Holy Communion under both Species. Each parish in Stratford will have to study and implement the process. I will be discussing the renewal of receiving the “Precious Blood at Sunday Mass” with the Parish council on March 22nd. If you would like to share your thoughts, you may make your comments in the Parish Suggestion Box outside the penance room. In regards to the offertory collection at weekly Sunday Mass. The first collection is taken at Offertory time, followed by the offertory procession. The second collection will be taken after the Tabernacle door is closed!
Msgr. Ryan
Mass Times & Reconciliation
Saturday – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses are at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
We invite parishioners to present the Offertory Gifts! Our 4:00 p.m. Saturday sabbath mass will be live-streamed. The mass will continue to be available on our Facebook and YouTube pages beginning at 4:00pm on Saturday and throughout the weekend! It will be available usually by 6:00 p.m on Saturday on the homepage of our website.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday mornings, Deacon John Piatak will hold a prayer service at 9:30 a.m. to begin Eucharistic Adoration. Please come and join us for prayer and adoration weekly from 9:30 a.m.-Noon.
The Stations of the Cross will be prayed every Friday during Lent.
The mass schedule will be posted prior to each Holy Day.
We have developed a policy that safeguards our parishioners and will allow time for our parish contractors to clear the property during storms. Weekdays: When the schools are delayed or closed, or the Town or State has advised against travel, Daily Mass will be cancelled for that day. The parish will announce the cancellation on WFSB Channel 3. Weekends: When severe weather occurs during weekend Mass times, please check WFSB Channel 3. Your safety is important to us! Any Mass intentioneffected by the cancellation will be said during the next week.
Why be a Member of the Parish? Not a registered member of OLG! Many parishioners seek Mass cards, sacramental certificates, and/or sponsor certificates. We invite you to become a parishioner filling out the Become A Parishioner form found in the bulletin and emailed as attachment to dropped in the Drop Box by the rectory or by using the on-line registration link. If you prefer NOT to register online call the Parish Office at 203-377-0928 x 113.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Are you or do you know someone who is looking for personal growth in their Catholic Faith?
If you are an adult who has never been baptized
If you are an adult who has been baptized in a non-Catholic community
If you are an adult who has been baptized in the Catholic Church but never received Eucharist or Confirmation
If you are an adult interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith, RCIA may be for you. For further information or questions you may call Linda Skowronski at 203-375-8992
2025 Mass Book
Mass book 2025
The Mass Book for 2025 is open as of Tuesday, October 1st. You may schedule your mass intentions by phone (203-377-0928 x 113) or in person the rectory M-F 9-3. We ask that you schedule no more than 6 weekend masses at this time. The stipend for weekday masses remain at $10 and $20 for weekends.
Please consider having a Sanctuary Lamp lit for your intentions. The stipend is $10.00 per Lamp. Mass cards can be picked up in the Parish Office during office hours. Parish Memorial Books – When you wish to remember a special someone, remember that Our Lady of Grace Parish has a Memorial Program. The purpose of the Memorial Program is to provide the funding of small projects within the parish. For example, vestments, ritual books, and other liturgical needs. This is a wonderful way to acknowledge someone living or deceased or in thanksgiving for a prayer answered. The Memorial Books are displayed in the Chapel area by the Tabernacle. For information on the OLG Memorial Program or to make a donation please call Cathy at the Parish Office (203) 377-0928 x 113.
The Diocese of Bridgeport has asked us to pray for our priests. They publish a monthly list of priests to pray that month. It can be found on the Pray for Our Priests page of our website with the names of the priests bring prayed for during the month. Each week on our home page we will list the names of the priests to be prayed for that week. The priests we are asked to pray for this week are: March 2 – Fr. Paul Holland, S. J; March 3 – Fr. Pawel Hrebenko ; March 4 – Fr. Timothy Iannacone; March 5 – Fr. Martin Igoe; March 6 – Fr. John Inserra; March 7– Fr. Ian Jeremiah ; March 8 – Fr. Michael Jones; March 9 – Fr. Shawn Jordan.; March 10 – Jean Julien; March 11 – Samuel Kachuba.
Parish Happenings
Loaves and Fishes Campaign
Will you and your family consider the Lenten sacrifice of a “meager meal” once a week during Lent and donate the money you would have spent on a more substantial meal to feed local families who can’t afford to put food on their table? Please consider supporting Catholic Charites Loaves and Fishes Lenten campaign to feed our most vulnerable neighbors. Food insecurity continues to be the number one issue impacting people in our community and your family’s Lenten sacrifice can make a significant impact! Donations can be made online via the Catholic Charities website at Checks made out to Catholic Charites may be mailed to: Catholic Charities ATT: Finance Dept/L&F Campaign 238 Jewett Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06606.
We are hopeful that 100% of our registered households will respond to the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal. While the level of sacrifice will differ from parishioner to parishioner, an Appeal gift this year is within the reach of the majority of our people. Please prayerfully consider supporting the Bishop’s Appeal with a pledge or one-time gift as your means allow. Your support is much needed and will be greatly appreciated! To learn more please visit: Thank you for your support.
Stations of the Cross
We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross on the Fridays of Lent. The Stations will be prayed at 12:00 noon on each Friday.
Lenten Activities Sponsored by CCS
Into the Desert: Lenten Series in CCS March 8, March 22, April 5, 2025 – 10:00am – 12:00pm – Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall, 497 Second Hill Lane, Stratford, CT 06614
During Lent, the Church invites us to pray, fast and give alms. But how exactly do we do that? Join us for Into the Desert, a faith-sharing series among adult parishioners in the Stratford parishes. March 8, March 22, and April 5, from 10am-12pm at Our Lady of Grace Parish Hall. Each session will include light breakfast, prayer, and reflection. Suggested offering: $50. Email Lorena to RSVP –
Morning of Reflection for Folks 50+ – March 11, 2025 – 9:30am – 12:00pm -Our Lady of Peace Gilmartin Hall – 651 Stratford Rd., Stratford, CT 06615 After our meaningful morning of reflection in the fall with Sr. Kathleen Dorney, we invite you to join us on March 11th from 9:30-12:00 pm at Our Lady of Peace Gilmartin Hall. There will be reflection on the Lenten journey, fellowship, and breakfast. Suggested offering: $30. Email Lorena to RSVP –
Inviting all Women, Men & Families to Join Women of Grace Daily Prayer Group.
Our new Parish Daily Prayer Group will be starting on Ash Wednesday. Parishioners can leave a special prayer request by calling the Parish Prayer Line at 203-377- 0928 x117. When leaving your request, please provide the following: Your name, phone number, and your prayer request. Please be as concise as possible with your request. The line will be monitored weekly. Requests will be active for two weeks so there is no need to call in daily. After two weeks, you will need to call back to continue a request. Since intentions listed in the Book of Healing Prayer, and the sick listed in the Bulletin will be included in our daily prayers; additional prayers for those people need only to be requested if there are immediate needs or changes to their situations. If you would like to become a member of the daily prayer group, sign-up sheets are at the entrances of the Church.
“Women of Grace”
The next Women of Grace meeting will be Tuesday, March 18th at 7 p.m. in Madonna Hall. We would like to thank all those who signed up to become members of the new Daily Prayer Group. A new Rosary Prayer group will be forming on Wednesday March 26th.The Rosary Prayer group will meet on Wednesdays at 630pm in the Church. The Rosary will be prayed, and scriptural meditations will be shared. It will be a time for prayer, reflection and quiet. Mary Daleski and Arlene Kelly will lead the prayer.. More information to follow!
Diocesan Spiritual Events!
Check the Parish bulletin Board. There are many opportunities for prayer and spiritual growth. See the dates for retreats, for Eucharistic Ministry, Diocesan Men’s Day, March 15th and a Women’s spiritual Spa Day!
Parish Council
The Parish Council met on Saturday January 25th. The Council was asked by a parishioner to consider sponsoring a Parish Tag Sale in 2025. The Council had a lively discussion and concluded a response. The Council will gather a “Tag Sale Committee”. The committee will conduct a feasibility study, create a plan and report back to the Parish Council. if you are interested in joining the committee, contact Marie Radcliff by email at
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
We are reaching out to our parishioners to share an invitation to those who might be seeking membership in the Catholic Church. Adults might not be Baptized or may wish to join us after being a member of another Christian Church. A meeting for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults will be beginning in March. For further information please contact Msgr. Ryan (
Liturgical Volunteers
As the new year is ahead of us, we are in need of volunteers for our Sunday 11:30 am Mass. Can you assist us as Readers, Eucharistic ministers, and greeters. If interested contact Cathy Nucera.
Diocesan Vocation Prayer
Heavenly Father, renew your presence among us through the gift of the ministerial priesthood, through which we are given the gift of the sacraments, most especially the Eucharist. Grant courage to those whom you are calling to serve at your altar as priests, 20 that they may receive your call with generosity and respond with their whole hearts. May the stewards of your mysteries grow in number and persevere in holiness of life. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The prayer intention for the Catholic Holy Year of 2025 is to reawaken hope for the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Prayer intention
“Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom” Pray Daily!
Holy Year Prayer
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen.
Question of the Week – March 2 –8th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Authentic Living
Jesus said, “How can you say to your neighbor, ‘Friend, let me take out the speck in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the log in your own eye?” (Lk. 6:42a )
Sirach 27:5-8 • All tested by their speech
1 Corinthians 15:54-58 • Glorification of the body
Luke 6:39-45 • All known by their works
Adults: When have you most felt like a hypocrite? How did you overcome this feeling?
Kids: Is it a good thing or a bad thing to act differently from what you are really feeling? Why ?
We would like to thank our on–line donors for their support of our parish. We would like to ask our donors to check their accounts. We have noticed that your credit card may have expired or you have changed account numbers. Your financial support to our parish are important! Please call (203) 377–0928 x113.
Click on “On-Line Giving Button” on our website or by clicking this link, For customer assistance please call 1-800-348-2886 choose option 1 or the Parish Office at (203) 377-0928 x113. To insure the proper date for your donation, we will be announcing each month the second collections and their dates: Feb.22/23 – Hope for the Future; March 1/2 – Capital Improvement.
CallingPost – Please watch for our calls each Friday night at 7pm. If you wish to receive our parish CallingPost call 203–377–0928 X113.
Thank you for receiving our CallingPost message on Friday evening at 7pm. Did you know 86.6% of our parishioners are receiving our CallingPost message? Please listen to our message during Lent!